Category Archives: Public Health

Indoor Air Quality and Environmental Health

It is estimated that people spend up to 90% of their time indoors. (1)  As such, indoor air quality can have an immense impact on health and general quality of life.  Both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provide guidance based on research for indoor air quality but it…
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Cold Hard Facts about Nuclear Power

Most countries in the western world have harnessed the power of nuclear technology for decades. Since the development of the atomic bomb, the human race has found other uses for this technology that still divides people – it provides power for our homes and has medicinal uses. Nuclear physics is a well-established division of the…
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Birds & Ecosystem Services

The Value of Birds Birds are present throughout almost every habitat across the globe.  No matter where you go, there is always evidence of birds even if you don’t see the animals themselves.  Things like holes pecked in tree bark by woodpeckers or the remnants of a nest are indicative of the presence of birds. …
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Ambient Air Quality and Environmental Health

Over 6,000 people became sick and 20 individuals lost their life in 1948 when a cloud of air pollution blanketed the town of Donora, Pennsylvania for 5 days. (1) Donora only had a total population of 14,000!  That translates to over 40% of the citizens suffered in some way.  The industrial revolution brought progress and…
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Nuclear Energy 101

Out of all the ways we power the planet, nuclear energy may be the most divisive. When it first began as an offshoot of nuclear weapons programs, it seemed to promise unlimited electricity that would power a new atomic age. The first nuclear power plant came online in the USSR in 1954, followed three years…
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Wind Power 101

Modern wind power is a recent development based on a very old technology. The wind has propelled sail boats for at least 5000 years, and turned windmills for perhaps 1500 years. Even the concept of generating electricity with wind power dates back to the first successful attempt in the late 1800s. But aside from the…
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Natural Gas 101: Pros & Cons

Natural gas is a fossil fuel, like oil and coal. It’s formed from decayed organic material transformed by high temperatures and pressures over millions of years into bubbles of methane gas. Conventional sources are found in underground gas fields or oil fields. Unconventional sources are more challenging to extract because the gas is locked inside…
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NEPA 101: Introduction to United States Environmental Policy

What is NEPA? The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is one of the shortest laws to exist and is less than 6 pages in length.  NEPA was passed by Congress in 1969, signed into law on January 1, 1970 by President Richard Nixon and set the stage for environmental policy for the United States (1). …
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Fracking: What Is It and How Will It Affect You?

Those most involved in the study and procedures of fracking are geologists as it concerns natural processes of the ground beneath our feet – the soil and rock formations and of course the fossil fuels that organisations and governments wish to exploit. Most people involved in technical aspects of the fossil fuel industry are geology…
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Drought Issues Facing the United States

What is Drought? The dictionary defines drought as “a period of dry weather” or “an extended shortage (1).” Drought has always been difficult to define because it varies based on location and associated impacts to the human and natural environment (2). In all cases, drought is temporary in nature, tends to be cyclical and results…
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